The Effect of Allicin on Innate Immune Genes of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L)

Jean Fall, Mahmoud Tanekhy


Garlic is known to possess a vast variety of biological functions. It was reported to be ana a antimicrobial, antithrombotic, anticacer, antioxidant and could improve the immune-system as well as had the capacity to lower serum lipid and glucose levels. The impact of allicin on signaling pathways still needs to be investigated and reports about its effect on cytokine production are inconsistent. In the present study, we investigated the influence of allicin on several carp genes and checked the immediate response of these genes. Direct p-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines as IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-10, TLR3, and INF-α, INFγ1 was observed after stimulation of carp head kidney (HK) cells with allicin extract. These results strongly indicate that allicin is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects. Further, the results suggest that there are potential therapeutic effects of allicin on chronic inflammatory diseases. These effects need more investigations in aquaculture industries.

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