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Gachanja, James
Galdeano-Gómez, Emilio
Gan, Christopher
Gardner, Lara
Gaurav, Sarthak, Asia Research Centre, London School of Economics, UK (United Kingdom)
Gautam, Vikash, Chandragupta Institute of Management, Patna, India (India)
Gebremeskel, Yordanos, Mulungushi University Department of Economics (Zambia)
Gichuki, James K. (Kenya)
Gil-Alana, Luis A.
Gilmore, Claire G. (United States)
Godwin, Eun Sun, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Goktas, Ozlem
Goma, Fusya Y.
Goncu, Ahmet, Department of Mathematical Sciences Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University (China)
Gordon, David, University of Saint Francis (United States)
Grech, Aaron George, Central Bank of Malta (Malta)
Grenade, Kari
Guger, Alois
Güngör, Şule (Turkey)

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