Book Review: Brian Tracy, Something for Nothing, Why We Do the Things We Do. Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2009, reprint 2011, p. 245, ISBN: 9788184950564

Mangasini Katundu


In his book Tracy discusses “the something for nothing” syndrome, he answers the main question, “why we do the things we do?” The author associates what we do the things we do with what he called “human nature”, that every individual has both the “bright side” and a “dark side” of his nature, an angel and a devil. According to the author these two forces compete continually in an individual’s mind and heart and hence, they control individual’s thoughts, feelings and actions (p. 2). He reminds everyone that, real life is different from dreams; people have various sweet dreams which sometimes may not come true. Life is difficult; we need to work hard to realize our dreams.

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