Understanding Consumer Intentions to Engage with Artificial Intelligence and Voice Assistants: A Conceptual Framework

Elaheh Ahanin, Abu Bakar Sade


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown extensively in recent times and is becoming integrated into human lives. This progression opens diverse opportunities in e-health, facilitating healthcare accessibility globally. Voice assistants are AI-driven technologies, which are becoming increasingly important with the growing prominence of e-health services. This study offers an integrated model that assimilates AI attributes with relevant constructs from various theories such as Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Health Belief Model (HBM). Key variables under scrutiny include perceived anthropomorphism, perceived intelligence, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, attitude, perceived severity, and perceived susceptibility. The article adds to the current research by reviewing the literature about AI in healthcare, and proposing a conceptual framework that binds technological, AI-specific, and health factors, offering implications for policymakers, healthcare administrators, and marketers seeking effective utilization of voice assistant technology.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/bmh.v12i1.22244


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