Benchmarking Characteristics of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Projects: Based On Interview Findings

Elias Ikpe, Jatinder Kumar, George Jergeas


SAGD is a relatively new method of oil extraction and recovery in Alberta oil and gas industry and the number of new SAGD plants in Alberta is expected to increase within this decade. The paper discusses the interviews finding of benchmarking characteristics of the SAGD projects. The research reviewed and analysed definition of capacity, main features, life cycle/ phases of SAGD projects and also major risks associated with it. A qualitative research methodology was employed in investigating the characteristics of SAGD projects. Interviews were conducted with industry practitioners, which contained open-ended questions. The result found the definition of capacity of SAGD projects is barrels/day and from the lifecycle of SAGD projects procurement/cosntruction phase is 75% of the total project cost while other phase in total constiutues the 25% of the total cost of the project. On the schedule prospective, procurement/construction phase constitute the 55% of the total project duration. This method has the potential to contribute to a reduction in cost and schedule overruns and improves SAGD project performance. It is concluded that the results of the study will help in achieving a higher rate of productivity in the Alberta oil and gas industry.

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