Sustainabiliy Analysis of Mariculture Management In Saleh Bay of Sumbawa District
This study aims to determine the value of the index and the sustainability status of aquaculture management for commodity of long line cultured seaweeds and floating cage cultured humpback grouper existing condition and currently formulating short, medium and long term scenarios for mariculture management in Saleh Bay of Sumbawa District. Sustainability analysis conducted by the method of Rap-Insus-Seaweed (Rapid Appraisal of Sustainability-Index Seaweed) and Rap-Insus-Grouper (Rapid Appraisal of Sustainability-Index Grouper) has been modified from Rapfish program.The results showed that the value of a multidimensional index of sustainability management seaweed culture currently obtained value of 46.82 and the floating cage culture of humpback grouper values obtained 39.47. Multidimensional sustainability index value lies in the range of 25.00 to 49.9, so the status categorized as "Less Sustainable". Sustainability index value of seaweed culture management on short and medium-term scenario increased to 63.45 and the long-term scenario increased to 75.50, so the status of sustainability in the short and medium-term scenario remains "Fairly Sustainable", while in the long-term scenario status of sustainability increased to "Highly Sustainable". Whilts the value of sustainability index floating cage culture of humpback grouper culture management on short and medium-term scenario increased to 48.10 and the long-term scenario increased to 70.97, so the status of sustainability in the short and medium-term scenario remains "Less Sustainable", while in the long-term scenario status of sustainability increased to " Highly Sustainable ".
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Copyright (c) 2014 Muhammad Marzuki, I Wayan Nurjaya, Ari Purbayanto, Sugeng Budiharso, Eddi Supriyono

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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development ISSN 2164-7682
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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