Risk Management in TAKĀFUL
Risk management is of vital importance in Islam and Takāful provides a way to manage risks in business according to Sharī’ah principles. This research paper attempts to identify various types of risks involved in Takāful business that affect operational and investment functions of Takāful operators across the globe. It lays down criteria for Takāful operator to manage those risks effectively. However, Takāful operators often face difficulty in managing market and credit risks as Sharī’ah compliant nature of Takāful contract does not allow Takāful companies to deal with interest rate and financial derivatives that have been unanimously considered repugnant to Sharī’ah by Islamic jurists. This research identifies Islamic financial instruments like cooperative hedging and bi-lateral mutual adjustment that aim at providing mutual gains to both parties by the way of risk sharing and can be used as an alternative to conventional derivatives. The research paper attempts to provide a framework to enhance risk management culture among Takāful operators. It also discusses the challenges that need to be encountered to enhance risk management practices among Takāful operators.
Key Words: Risk management, Underwriting Risk, Operational Risk, Credit Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Takāful, Re-takāful, Sharī’ah, Financial derivatives, Interest rate.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/erm.v2i1.326
Copyright (c) 2010 Waheed Akhter

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Enterprise Risk Management ISSN 1937-7916 Email: erm@macrothink.org
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