Minority Parent’s Characteristics in Choice of Religious Verses Non-Religious Schools

Kausar Yasmeen, Ambreen Anjum, Zuriat -ul-Zahra, Kashifa Yasmeen


The estimations above tell us about the minority household choice of religious verses non-religious schooling. There are various parameters effect household schooling decision we have estimated parents characteristics with school choice.  We have found that school choices among different minority households are varied. Almost household prefer religious schools very few prefer non-religious schools because of looking bright future of their children. Income, parents education, general reputation, Value of Physical Assets, location and parents income is positively related but there is negative effect of employment status of mother on school choice may be because when mothers are working are working children specially girls are needed to take care of household. In the case of general reputation they prefer highly good reputed religious school on second priority they choose non-religious schools.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijim.v1i2.1011


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