Empirical Investigation for Diagnosis of Knowledge Gaps: A Case Study in Industrial Companies

Mohammed A, Ahmed AL-DUJAILI


The term knowledge management (KM) is difficult to define. This is because its domain as identified in research and practice, has roots in many fields. This has led to the use of different methodologies and strategies that are based on the type of evaluation required in the work. Therefore, the study argues that this problem is leading to important gaps in understanding and identifying the conditions and the needs required for KM systems (KMS), as well as the methods divergent and inadequate in KM implementation. Six kinds of gap within the firms of the study topic are explained. Meanwhile, the study has used grounded theory to classification of the information in field interviews with senior managers and employees of four companies for diagnoses of the particular gaps in KMS, with a supported intensified analysis of the literature. In view of that, this paper has explored the role of KM in the industrial firms' and the limitation of obstacles to avoid the gaps. Furthermore, this study has suggested a businesslike framework and creative method, explaining comprehensively how KM must adjust for aligning employees' ideas with the firm's larger goals effectively and strategically, which will reduce the lack of harmonisation between the polarisation and implementation of KMS to those firms.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijim.v1i1.789


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