The Effect of ISO 9001 Quality Management System on Education Institutions (A Case Study of Ronaki Duhok Education Company in Iraq)

Bunyamin Celik, Ömer Hakan Ölcer


In this study, the ISO Quality Management System and the benefits of the standards of this system to the education sector are exemplified through two high schools. These standards are used in the first high school in the article which examines the benefits of ISO 9001 applications to educational institutions, but not in the other. The general purpose of the study is to explain the benefits and effects of the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System standards to all ISO certified training institutions in the world. In the article, a comparative study has been carried out over 2 different high schools affiliated to the Ronaki Duhok Education Company and the compliance of the standards and the benefits are provided to the readers. According to the results of the analysis, it has been revealed with examples that ISO 9001: 2015 contributes to education institutions in many positive ways.

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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems  ISSN 1943-1384  Email:

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