Knowledge Management In Multi-party IS development Teams —A Case Study AT Fudan University
This paper describes how a unique type of information system development team, deploying a computer-mediated collaborative technology, developed a highly complex information system .The uniqueness of the team ----what we call MISD teams, for Multi-party Information System Development teams---stemmed from the fact that it was inter-organizational and had to be engaged in knowledge management among five parties with a highly complicated task for information system development. Existing research on knowledge management does not fully address the challenges of such MISD teams. Using the case of Fudan University, We described the behaviour of parties of a MISD team to derive implications for knowledge management, especially for studying teams within emerging contexts such as the one we observed. The data we collected also allowed us to identify successful managerial practices and develop recommendations for managers responsible for such teams.
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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 Email:
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