The Effect of Treatment of Alstonia acuminata Bark-Based Active Compound on the Hematology and Histology of Tiger Grouper Fish (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)

Jane L. Dangeubun, Andayani S., Risjani Y.


Tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) was very susceptible to the poor environment and therefore, it was weak against infection. A solution to this problem was by increasing immune response of the fish. The objective of research was to understand the effect of Alstonia acuminata on the hematology change in order to increase the survival rate of tiger grouper fish. Research was experimental and conducted at laboratory for 3 months. Parameters observed were the hematology of tiger grouper fish (including leukocyte total, monocyte, neutrophile, and lymphocyte) and the survival rate. Result of research indicated that leukocyte total had increased from day-1 to day-5, but decreased at day-7. The highest level of leukocyte total, monocyte, neutrophile, and lymphocyte was obtained at 200 ppm dose. The highest leukocyte total was found at day-5 precisely for 72,666 cells/mL, while the lowest was obtained at 0 ppm (control) dose exactly for 24,433 cells/mL. The highest monocyte percentage was attained at day-5 with 8.67 %, while the lowest was obtained at 0 ppm (control) dose with 2.33 %. The highest neutrophile was achieved in 200 ppm dose with 11.67%. The highest lymphocyte rate of tiger grouper was known at day-5 with 83.33 %, while the lowest was recognized at 0 ppm (control) dose. The highest survival rate was 94.44 % and obtained at 200 ppm dose. Result of research concluded that the treatment of Alstonia acuminate crude extract could influence the hematology and increase the survival rate to 94.44%.

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