Writing Matrix and Assessing Literature Review: A Methodological Element of a Scientific Project

Erni Murniarti, Bernard Nainggolan, Hulman Panjaitan, L.Elly AM Pandiangan, I Dewi Ayu Widyani, Saniago Dakhi


A debatable consensus on and appropriate approaches to literature review function as the theoretical background of the paper. It redefines the literature review substance, synthesis, and procedure to literature matrix, and literature review assessment. In addition, some implications are to interpret the discussion. Finally, finding of the present study is applicable to any study fields at it generally provides matrix for which writing literature review can be easily conducted. Suggestions, identical to the potential of further studies and its application by on-going researcher and writer, are holistically provided.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jad.v4i2.13895


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