Optimum Control of Grazing and Cattle Movement in the Silvopastoral Establishment "La Aguada" (Córdoba-Argentina)
Currently silvopastoral systems have been presented as a viable and sustainable alternative in economic, social and environmental terms. The objective of this work is to present an integer linear programming model (ILP), that numerically represents or simulates the optimal operating conditions of a silvopastoral system inspired by the typology of the rural establishment "La Aguada", an experimental agricultural and forestry center, belonging to the National University of Rio Cuarto and located in the province of Córdoba (Argentina). The model imposes conditions on the adequacy of the gain of the live weight of each animal of the herd considered in the system, as well as the optimal control of the areas of pasture and bovine movement. It is important to highlight that this is an attempt to mathematically model improvements in food production systems. Each ILP was solved using the INTLINPROG solver in MATLAB software. Thus, after the computational implementation, it was verified that the program meets all restrictions imposed, maximizes the gain of the live weight of each animal and optimizes the pasture area use, thus showing a consistent, balanced and recommended program for the economic controlling of a silvopastoral system in general.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v7i3.14832
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sergio Drumond Ventura, Angel Ramon Sanchez Delgado, Vinicius Teixeira do Nascimento, José Omar Plevich

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Journal of Agricultural Studies ISSN 2166-0379
E-mail: jas@macrothink.org
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