Quality of Broilers Fed Diets Containing Dry Distillery Grains
The present study aimed to evaluate carcass, cut yields and gastrointestinal tract biometry, the meat quality and body lesions of broiler chicken fed with four levels of corn distillers dried grain with soluble in experimental diets. A total of 700 day-old mixed flock Cobb 500 broiler chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments, seven replicates by treatment with 20 birds each. The experimental diets were controlled with crescent inclusion levels of DDGS (4, 8, 12 and 16 %). At 35 days of age 2 broilers from each lot was selected, weighted and identified with medium weight from the experimental unit for slaughtering and evaluation of cuts yield, carcass and gastrointestinal biometry. To evaluate hock lesions and broiler meat quality. Quadratic effect was observed in reference to the weight of the carcass and chest can be included the levels up to 11.29 percent and 6.16 percent respectively. For the other variables of income of casting, edible organs and not edible and there was no significant effect on gastrointestinal biometrics, only for the total size of the gastrointestinal tract there was quadratic effect being the level of 4.25% indicated for increased size of the organs. For all welfare and meat quality variables evaluated, there was no difference between the DDGS levels used in broiler diets and control diet. These findings means that the addition of up to 16 % DDGS in diets can be an alternative to feed chicken without inducing body lesions neither altering broiler meat quality.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v8i1.16115
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jean Kaique Valentim, Heder José D'Ávila Lima, Tatiana Marques Bittencourt, Jonatan Mikhail Del Solar Velarde, Luciana Kimie Savay da Silva, Nayara Emanoelle Matos e Silva, Diego Pierrotti Procópio, Maria Fernanda de Castro Burbarelli, Rodrigo Garófallo Garcia, Janaína Palermo Mendes

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Journal of Agricultural Studies ISSN 2166-0379
E-mail: jas@macrothink.org
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