Microbiological Attributes of a Cohesive Yellow Latosol Under Different Land Use Systems
The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological attributes of a Cohesive Yellow Latosol. Collections were carried out in three land use systems (LUS). The first, with natural rainforest (NR), the second with sugarcane (SC) cultivated since 2009, and the third under Mimosa cesalpiniifolia (MC) introduced in 1999. Microbiological analyzes were carried out by determining the carbon from microbial biomass, readily mineralizable carbon, microbial respiration, metabolic quotient, total organic carbon, microbial C/total organic C ratio, and occurrence of cellulolytic and ammonifiers microorganisms. Analysis of variance was performed to verify the different measures of microbiological attributes. The variation obtained from CMB was from 3.06 to 4 µg.C.g-1 in NR, 3.02 to 3.92 µg.C.g-1 in MC, and 3.14 to 3.24 µg.C.g-1 in SC. For accumulated CO2, no differences were found between environments, with values ranging from 77 to 55.70 µg.Kg-1 for NR, 80.30 to 49.56 for MC, and 80.30 to 49.56 for SC. qCO2 had no significant effect, and in relation to total organic carbon the forest soil (NR). These results demonstrate that the microbiological attributes of the soil are influenced by cover, environmental standards and soil management, and the sampling time. The forest soil showed superior microbial biomass when compared to other soils. The metabolic control detected a difference between the collection times. For the accumulated CO2 resources, no changes were observed.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v8i4.17269
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Copyright (c) 2020 João Manoel da Silva, Arthur Costa Pereira Santiago de Almeida, Crísea Cristina Nascimento de Cristo, Yamina Coentro Montaldo, Kariane Cavalcante Vasconcelos de Lima, Matus Silva Nascimento, Jakes Halan de Queiroz Costa, Tania Marta Carvalho dos Santos

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Journal of Agricultural Studies ISSN 2166-0379
E-mail: jas@macrothink.org
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