Embracing the Instagram Waves –The New Business Episode to the Potential Entrepreneurs
Instagram, one of the social media applications on smart phone is gaining popularity as a mode of social interaction recently. Many people, especially young people, have used this application, not only for daily communication and sharing, but also for buying and selling products. Because of the heavy usage of Instagram, there is substantial interest in making this medium a commercial site, particularly among entrepreneurs who want to explore the potential of their businesses. However, little is understood from empirical viewpoint about the intensity of Instagram usages and its impact on society. This study seeks to investigate the perceived impact of Instagram on Malaysian potential entrepreneurs. A survey was administered which involved 115 individual. The findings revealed that most respondents in this study believed that Instagram is the future way of doing their businesses. In fact, they believed that those who want to be entrepreneurs need to have Instagram as they would not only allow them to share their products and services with other people but also assist them to make vital and critical business decisions. In addition to this finding, some other issues on the Instagram application were also revealed in this paper.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jebi.v4i2.12092
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