Teaching and Implementing Ideation in Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Approach
Idea creation is significant to all disciplines, yet it is even more crucial for entrepreneurs since the process of entrepreneurship requires new and novel ideas in all phases. Ideation should be taught and implemented in an intentional and systematic approach in order to increase the efficiency of idea generation in entrepreneurial activity. Systematic ideation is comprised of a series of steps including observation, building the right ideation team, using multiple thinking methods and idea generation methods together and validating the idea for further improvement. Many of the entrepreneurship programs teach students the process of entrepreneurship after the individual comes forth with an idea, focusing on developing personal skills and business models required for a successful venture. Little attention and focus is dedicated to the initial step of idea creation. Systematic approach to teaching and implementing ideation would fill this gap in entrepreneurship education and field.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jebi.v5i2.13245
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