Innovation in Stra. Tech. Man (Strategy-Technology-Management) Terms
The conventional neoclassic approach of the entrepreneurial economic development perceives innovation to a large extent restrictively and unproductively. In a parallel motion, the conventional Keynesian perspective proves to be as well insufficient to study the innovation dynamics evolutionary and dialectically.
On the contrary, toward a theoretical repositioning of the innovation studies, there are appearing new approaches that continue the evolutionary study of the capitalistic Firm’s physiology that began in the mid-20th century.
This paper focuses especially on this theoretical redefinition to innovation dynamics. It tries to unfold a view of the Firm of physiological and evolutionary type, by highlighting a new synthesis of Strategy, Technology and Management (the ‘Stra.Tech.Man’ triangle) that represents the organic center of the produced innovation, inside all socioeconomic organisms.Full Text:
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In Greek
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Note 1: However, this critique of the conventional neoclassical and Keynesian tradition does not imply that there is no important progress and evolution in these schools of thought nowadays. See, for example: (Vernengo, 2010; Weintraub, 2002).
Note 2: This scientific hypothesis was empirically tested (Vlados, 2004) for the Greek productive ‘ecosystem’. It was proved, particularly, that the Greek economy has a peculiar ‘fauna’ of businesses (Βλάδος, 2006).
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Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation ISSN 2332-8851 Email:
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