Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction between Website Quality, Perceived Convenience and Online Purchase Intention
Maintaining a successful retail business requires ability to attract and retain customers in an online world. Despite the fact that purchasing intention has been highlighted as a key element influencing website quality, perceived convenience, and customer satisfaction, few studies have looked into how initial purchase intention influences ongoing purchase intention. We intended to dig deeper into the link between website quality, perceived convenience, and purchase intention categories mediated by consumer satisfaction. We develop questionnaires and e-retail businesses to help us conduct surveys. Questionnaires were distributed to Generation Y in two cities in Saudi Arabia. Our findings show that website quality and perceived convenience have a beneficial impact on purchase intention. Websites should consider paying more attention to website quality elements like responsiveness, usability, reliability, usability, and website content, as well as services supplied like personalization, user feedback and ratings, good for users, and complaint monitoring. The findings of this study add to earlier research on online ease and assist researchers better understand what aspects influence consumer satisfaction and behavioural intention.
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