Entrepreneurial Finance Revising the Finance 101 Course
A summary review of the business finance course syllabi of eight institutions is presented. Then one other typical syllabus for the financial management of the firm was examined in detail. A review of the CDR model (Capitalism, Democracy and Rule of law) and its implications are explored in consideration of the finance courses. Traditional business education pedagogy is analyzed as well as the information theory of finance to put in context the need of some improvement. Information theory is introduced as a measure of uncertainty, because it is more dynamic and general than variance in the data. The syllabi tend to overlook the need for an understanding of capital and all its sources, collaboration for research and development, and entrepreneurship. The objective of the paper is to make suggestions for modifying current syllabi to correct these shortcomings. A brief explanation of the CDR model and the effect in the gross domestic product is presented in the appendix.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jebi.v9i2.20001
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