Psycho Social Challenges Experienced by Flood Victims in Charsadda, Pakistan

Muhammad Asif, Yijie Wang, Liang Hu


Flood victims face a complicated set of emotional, social, and mental challenges that require advanced knowledge and personalized treatments. The July 2010 flood severely disrupted Pakistani society, inflicting chaos and structural damage and needing a new framework for the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This research investigates the social and psychological effects of the floods on residents of Charsadda, Pakistan. The information was gathered from people affected by floods in Charsadda, Pakistan. Purposive sampling methods were used to choose responders. N = 377 flood victims were selected from four villages in Union Council Agra. The data for this research was gathered from flood victims using a closed-ended questionnaire. The study emphasizes the enormous social and emotional hardship that flood victims experience, extensive property destruction and health issues. They lacked zeal for their well-being and exhibited excessive emotional reactions. The study suggests focusing social rehabilitation on financial aid and interest-free loans, conducting training sessions and building adequate therapy programs for future calamities. Psychological treatment can offer comfort and support to those impacted. Those who are impacted can find comfort via psychological treatment.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Asif

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Journal of Sociological Research ISSN 1948-5468


Copyright © Macrothink Institute 

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