Women Age at First Birth and Knowledge of Family Planning Methods in Yoruba Society, Nigeria
This article investigates the relationships that exist between women age at first birth and knowledge of family planning methods in Yoruba society, Nigeria. This central objective was based on the identified and documented benefits associated with the adoption of family planning devices by women globally. Family planning programmes are integral and central parts of safe motherhood initiatives and maternal health programmes of the United Nations. The understanding of interrelationship between women age at first birth and family planning variables is of direct relevance to health planners and policymakers attempting to control population variables and encourage safe motherhood in Yoruba society. To achieve the central objective of the study, quantitative data were generated from 1,000 women in one of the six Yoruba speaking States in Nigeria: Osun State. A multi-stage random sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents, while simple percentages and chi-square statistical method of analysis were adopted to analyze generated data. Findings of the study show significant relationships between women age at first birth and family planning variables at P<0.01. Specially, adolescent mothers exhibit significant low level of knowledge, ever use and current use of family planning methods compared with older mothers. On the basis of the findings, it has been recommended that State governments, local and international non-state actors working on safe motherhood in Yoruba society need to reach adolescent mothers in-and-outside health institutions through community health workers with contraceptive methods messages and services in order to improve maternal health and reduce high population growth rate in Yoruba society.
Keywords: Women Age at First Birth, Family Planning Methods, Safe Motherhood, Yoruba, Nigeria.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jsr.v3i2.2394
Copyright (c) 2012 John Lekan Oyefara

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Journal of Sociological Research ISSN 1948-5468
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