Juvenile Delinquency and Family Environment in Jordan
The present study aimed to examine some family environmental factors that influence delinquency in adolescents. The semi- structured type of interview schedule was used. The total sample of the present study was 300 in number divided in to two group; The first one is 150 male delinquent adolescents were selected. The second group is 150 non – delinquents. Their age - ranging from 12-17 years. The frequency table, percentage and chi -square (X²) were derived and utilized in statistical analysis to assess differences between the two groups of delinquents and non - delinquents on different family environmental variables . The findings indicate that environmental variables like size of the family , economic deprivation , parental deprivation , family discipline , inter parental relationship , child – parent relationship and parental acceptance – rejection play an important and effective role in the developmental growth of personality as well as social behavior of the delinquents . we suggest that family counseling will be an effective way to guide the public to the important of healthy family environment. Also further studies are suggested to have deep analysis for the affect of family environment on causing juvenile delinquency.
Keywords: Juvenile delinquency , family environment Jordan.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jsr.v3i2.2750
Copyright (c) 2012 Faisal Ibrahim Al-matalka, Mohammad M. Hussainat

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal of Sociological Research ISSN 1948-5468
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