Proposing a Generalized Darwinism-Based Theory of Evolutionary Marketing Research for Non-Linear Marketing Contributions: Theoretical Analysis, Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda
This research aimed to formulate an innovative conceptual model of why and how the marketing research creed and process should evolve and proceed to live up to the emerging high ends of marketing in theory and practice. The new conceptual framework adopted an interdisciplinary approach through striving to build an evolutionary marketing research theory that is triggered by a generalized Darwinism intellectual paradigm with special emphasis on fulfilling nonlinear marketing contributions as a highly desirable and yet demanding modern marketing destination. Apart from substantive theoretical analysis of a widely relevant variety of academic literature, the conceptual model was further grounded on exploratory evidence on marketing research panels as arguably creative and insightful empirical context in the form of analysis of secondary data and qualitative research on the world class adoption of panels by best practices of the global marketing research industry. The paper concluded with a detailed road map for a research agenda through three formulated research propositions and a planned research methodology for rigorous real data-driven testing and subsequent refinement of the proposed intelligentsia of the conceptual model.
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