Access to Credit by Smallholder Female Farmers in Ho Municipality, Ghana

Grace Denny Doku, Joyce Mamle Mawusi Obubuafo, Margaret Aba Sam Hagan


The study investigated the access to credit facilities by smallholder female farmers in the Ho municipality. Data for the study was collected from 58 randomly sampled smallholder female farmers in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. Primary data was the main source of data used for the study. Descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentages and graphs as well as inferential statics were used to analyze the data collected from the female farmers. Result of the study revealed that most of the female farmers within the municipality are aware of various sources they can access credit facility. However, several factors were identified to be militating against their access to credit. These factors include: High interest rate, lack of collaterals, low level of education was some of the factors identified. In conclusion, there is the need to encourage some of the financial institutions to support these farmers with concessionary loans. It is also recommended that Non-governmental organizations operating in the financial sector should come to the aid of these female farmers.

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