Attitudes of Bank Managers towards the Effect of Cultural Intelligence on Organizational Climate and the Process of Strategy Activation: With Special Reference to Commercial Banks in Erbil, Kurdistan Region

Hussein Ahmad Mustafa, Kosret Muhemed Ebabekir, Gibraeel Ahmed Ismael


The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of bank managers towards the effect of cultural intelligence on organizational climate and the process of strategy activation. A survey instrument comprising six constructs (cultural intelligence capabilities: metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral capabilities, organizational climate, and strategy activation) was designed and administered to managers within 18 commercial banks in Erbil, the capital city of Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The empirical data were analyzed by using (PLS-SEM) path modeling to hypotheses testing. The research findings confirmed a positive and significant correlation between cultural intelligence key elements (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral capabilities), and organizational climate. The findings indicated that cultural intelligence contributes to improving the organizational climate within commercial banks. The improved organizational climate within commercial banks, contributes to improving the process of strategy activation. This research contributes to improves the literature by representing that cultural intelligence stands as the base for improving organizational climate; thus, the improved organizational climate (as a result of cultural intelligence) contributes to improving the process of strategy activation.

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