Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Veteran Care through Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

J. Ndumbe Anyu, Yolandra A. Plummer, Duvalier Malone


This research investigates the effect of strategic human resource management (SHRM) activities on operational efficiency and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) quality of care. Through a quantitative analysis of VA performance indicators and the extent of SHRM practices’ adoption, the purpose of the study is to identify the association between SHRM implementations and improvements in patient care and organizational performance. Utilizing regression analysis and time series analysis on data collected from various VA facilities, the research hypothesizes a positive correlation between SHRM practices and enhanced operational outcomes. The findings are expected to contribute to developing evidence-based management strategies for improving veterans’ healthcare services, offering actionable insights for policymakers and healthcare administrators.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/wjbm.v10i1.22224


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Copyright (c) 2024 J. Ndumbe Anyu, Yolandra A. Plummer, Duvalier Malone

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World Journal of Business and Management   ISSN 2377-4622

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