ABB-ABC-ABE-ABM Approach for Implementation in the Economic Entities from Energy Industry

Dan Ioan Topor, Sorinel Capusneanu, Dana Maria Constantin, Cristian Marian Barbu, Ileana Sorina Rakos


The purpose of this article lies in demonstrating the effectiveness of four connection methods ABB-ABC-ABE-ABM conducive to successful implementation and improving the performance of an economic entity. The objectives of this study are focused on: (1) the application of ABB-ABC-ABE-ABM within an economic entity within the energetic industry and (2) highlighting performances, including environmental performance. In the framework of this article the contributions are brought by the mix of methods on the national and international level, namely the modalities and stages of their specific within an economic entity. Environmental components are addressed within the mix of economic entity methods used, their benefits and limitations. Based on case study prepared by the authors, the results of applied methods mix to improve environmental performance within the surveyed entity are presented. The article ends with the conclusions of the authors related to the efficiency of the use of the ABB-ABM-ABC-ABE for improving performance, including environmental performance within the surveyed entity.

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