Diversity Management in Organisations Located within the Visegrad Group V4 Countries (The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) – State of Implementation and Benefits

Elwira Gross-Gołacka


The goal of this article is to determine the state of implementation of the concept of diversity management in organisations within countries belonging to the Visegrad Group V4 and gather opinions regarding if and (if so) what benefits result from implementing this concept. For the purposes of the research, the literature on the topic was reviewed and a diagnostic survey was conducted, which was based on a survey questionnaire. Empiric research was conducted in the years 2015-2016 on a test group of 401 representatives from organisations in the Visegrad Group (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). These were qualitative-quantitative studies. According to the research, the level of implementing diversity management in the organisations examined is low, despite the fact that the representatives saw its benefits and declared their intent to seek more knowledge on this topic. Unequal treatment and discrimination, according to the respondents, occurs most frequently due to age, and at a further stage, due to gender and ethnic origin. The research has shown that according to the opinion of the respondents from the organisations, diversity management carries a multitude of benefits.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/bmh.v6i1.12406


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