Analysis of Solid Waste Treatment Practices in Footwear Factories

Dusan Schreiber, Débora Alessandra da Silva


In this research, the practices adopted in two footwear industries, located in the southern region of Brazil, Vale do Sinos, to treat solid waste were investigated. Scientific literature, either national or international, converges on the perception of relevance of the environmental impact generated in this production chain, both due to the total volume of shoes that are manufactured and sold annually, and in view of the difficulties related to the disposal of footwear, at the end of its useful life. From this perspective, this study is justified and aims to identify and analyze, in the light of the reviewed scientific literature, which deals with waste from the footwear industry, the practices adopted in the treatment of solid waste in that economic sector. In order to achieve the objective, a case study strategy was carried out in two companies, using a qualitative approach, with the collection of empirical data through semi-structured interviews with organizational managers, indicated by the management of the organizations, in addition to documentary survey and participant observation systematic. The results showed that the two companies, one large and the second small, have a clear perception of the need to adopt sustainable practices and have already made several adjustments to the organizational system to promote alignment with sustainability principles. However, the actions and initiatives adopted to date show that the two organizations are still at an early stage of sustainability, especially in the solid waste treatment process.

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Copyright (c) 2023 dusan schreiber, Débora Alessandra Silva

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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development  ISSN 2164-7682

Copyright © Macrothink Institute

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