The Incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals into Fashion Companies in South Brazil

Jéssica Alves da Motta, Ricardo Ribeiro Alves, João Garibaldi Almeida Viana, Andressa Hennig Silva, Ana Julia Teixeira Senna Sarmento Barata


This article checks the performance of the fashion companies in South Brazil relative to the incorporation of actions within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study adopts a quantitative approach of descriptive character, based on the Survey Method, applied to companies in one of the main fashion producing regions in Brazil. It was possible to ensure that the best performance of companies was achieved in gender equality and decent work and economic growth, with good and excellent performance, respectively. However, the performance of the companies in consumption and responsible production (SDG 12) and fight against climate change (SDG 13) were classified within the poor performance category. What demonstrates that the companies act unevenly in the different SDGs surveyed. Therefore, it is necessary to create a more global view of actions to compensate for their weaknesses, and as a consequence improve their sustainability. The negative performance is worrying because changes in production systems are urgent as pollution levels have increased on the planet. This study contributes with a data collection instrument that can be replicated in other fashion companies in different social, economic and cultural contexts.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Jéssica Alves da Motta

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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development  ISSN 2164-7682

Copyright © Macrothink Institute

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