Education Funding in Greece. A Longitudinal Examination

Georgios Garafas


This study provides a thorough longitudinal analysis of the Greek educational system during the period 1950-2022. It is based on data obtained from published reports by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) and COFOG data by Eurostat. It mainly deals with educational expenditures as a percentage of total public consumption expenditures, total gross public expenditures, and Gross National Product (GNP). The analysis is mostly segmented into decades due to varying data availability for each period, as well as the need to be more detailed and highlight changes in funding. Findings show significant fluctuations in educational funding, mostly due to broader economic and political changes. Despite significant gains in public spending on education over the decades, the allocation of resources remains a challenge, falling well short of the European Union average. Thus, it is imperative to ensure sustainable and adequate funding for the continued development of Greece's educational infrastructure and services.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Georgios Garafas

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