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Yu, Han, Southern Connecticut State University
Yu Hsu, Kathy Hsiao
Yuliana, Diah
Yusof, Hamidah
Zaghdoudi, Khemais
Zaidi, Syed Kashif Raza, California State University San Marcos (United States)
Zakari, Mohamed Abulgasem, Tripoli University Economics Faculty (Libya)
Zamri, Farah Izzaida Mohd
Zare Rafiee, Samaneh
Zare Rafiee, Somayeh, M.A in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran
Zare Rafiee, Somayeh
Zaytoun, Mohamed Khamis Juma, Associate Professor of Acounting- King Khalid University Faculty of Commerce, Damanhur University, Egypt
Zeghal, Daniel
Zhang, Yu (Tony)
Zia-ur-Rehman, Muhammad
zongjun, wang (China)
Zuhair, Segu
Zulfiqar, Muhammad
Zureigat, Bilal Nayef
Zverovich, Svetlana
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International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting ISSN 2162-3082
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