Focussing on Decoding Contractions in English Sentences to Inform ESL Educational Practice

Dennis Michael Bryant


The thesis presented herein is that English is obsessive towards some of its character-set, and this is evident with the grammatical use of letters D, S, M, R, L and V. It is expected that critical investigation of this obsession will inform Educational Practice – especially Teaching and Curricula – and this could enable increased success for ESL student cognizance of grammatical associations, thereby supplanting the need for rote-learning, to some degree. This is not to say that teachers must become concerned necessarily with grammar research at a macro-level – and accordingly this paper concerns itself with informing the readership on micro-level grammar. This goal is to be achieved through a method of providing a suite of examples, and while noting grammatical inter-relationships, also acknowledging that the examples conform to an underlying but seldom (if at all) mentioned theme of operation in English; namely, a penchant for reuse.

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