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Ade-Ibijola, Aderemi Opeyemi
Adega, Andrew Philips
Adeyemi, Olusola Smith
Agyakwa, Emmanuel Amisare
Ahmad, Manzoor
Ahmed, Ar. Sayed, Lecturer. Department of Architecture. Bangladesh University. (Bangladesh)
Akomeah, Ronit
Al Mubarak, Hanan, Nasser Vocational Training Centre (Bahrain)
Al-Hameedawi, Mustafa Amjed Jasim, University of Kufa. College of Languages. Department of English (Iraq)
Al-Rahal, Sara Najim, Middle East University (Jordan)
Alami, Reza, Department of Management Lincoln University College Malaysia, Branch Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Alhassan, Ibrahim
Ali Andrabi, Syed Damsaz
Alzoubi, Najah A. F., Applied Science Private University, Jordan (Jordan)
Amelia, Riva, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta
Anjum, Ubair
Aparicio de Soto, Jesus Enrique Andres
Appiah-Kubi, Obed Persie
Astuti, Kun Setyaning, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Asuk, O. C.
Atharizadeh, Mahmood, MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Ayodele, Abel Olurotimi
Azon, Senakpon Adelphe Fortune, University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
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International Journal of Culture and History ISSN 2332-5518 Email: ijch@macrothink.org
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