A Review of Refugees and Their Mental Health in the Perspective of World, and the Particular Issue of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

Ubair Anjum


The mental health of the refugees is a matter of interest from the global perspective, as the refugees are reported to have several kinds of mental illness because of their flee from their home countries which could ultimately provoke the circumstances of the host countries. Pakistan is amongst the top listed countries providing the refuge to the displaced people after Lebanon, Jordan and, Turkey. The refugees have been reported to have behavioral and mental issues because they had gone through the awful situations of being exiled from their own land. Pakistan is serving the refugees from decades on mandate of UNHCR, but has been victimized of worthy loss due to the extremists and terrorists hide in refugee camps, because of their psychopaths of criminality towards the host-nation. Pakistan still backed the Afghan refugees and declared to provide the nationality to those Afghan’s born in Pakistan. But, Pakistan doesn’t possess any certain act or policy concerning the Afghan refugee till now, the mandate of UNHCR has been following as well as the health facilities and betterments for refugees are accordingly. By unveiling the certain issue mental health of the refugees in general the recommendations has been presented as well as by focusing the matter of the Afghan Refugees the ultimate policy is devised to consider for betterment in state-backed by the evidence gathered contextually.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijch.v7i1.16842


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