Extracting the Meaning Order of Alley [Case Study: Historical Context of Sari City Center]

Rasoul Abdi Malek Kolaee, Mehdi Sadvandi, Abdilmajid Nourtaghani


The present study is an attempt to find out conceptual and fondumental aspects of alley meaning in the context of Sari historical city center. In this research the considered environment is the allies of historical center context of Sari city. This research tries to discover the hidden meaning system behind the current behaviors and activities in the alleys of this area. This research is based on Exploratory factor analysis research method which is one of the branches of correlation research method and is calculated by using covariance matrix method of analysis. The results of this study showed that there is a collection of meaning components which are working as a network in the final model. The study identified 17 components that were categorized into four main systems: individual social position, individual internal feelings, cultural relationships, and tradition. This paper concludes that the proposed model carefully shows the meanings regulation of the historical fabric of alleys.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijch.v7i2.17145


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