Pursuing the Energetic yet Enigmatic Particle that Powers English Communication
English is determined to use words in multiple scenarios and her determination extends, unmistakeably, to one energetic preposition particle. However, an irony exists here because prepositions are generally rather small words, and easily overlooked by speakers and grammars. Indeed the particle under discussion is merely a two-letter word, but its usage must be described as phenomenal. This paper claims that this particle easily outstrips its preposition peers in aptitude, a talent that can be demonstrated by cataloguing its numerous placements. Apart from demonstrating a plethora of placements, this paper offers a single, yet innovative grammatical definition to cover the particle’s usage. In this regard, this paper advances the OF-insertion hypothesis. The methodology herein is to employ exemplar sentences to demonstrate the particle’s roles. Such a technique has proven its validity in recently published papers on English Grammar. It is true of course that such a particle did not appear out of the blue, hence some exemplars are necessary to demonstrate its growth over grammatical time. Beneficiaries of this paper’s findings will be English as a Second Language teachers, in that they will have a comprehensive endowment from which to teach which, it is hoped, will empower their ESL students’ progress towards full fluency.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijch.v7i2.17488
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Copyright (c) 2020 Dennis Michael Bryant
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