Community - Based Tourism Development Model in the District of Pangandaran

Cecep Ucu Rakhman, Dadang Suganda, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Sapta Nirwandar


This research studies the process of community development activities in the tourism sector after the tsunami in Pangandaran. The majority of people in Pangandaran are helpless in tourism development activities, as part of the activities of the community, after the tsunami that occurred in 2006. This situation encourages the United Nations World Tourism Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia to implement community-based tourism development program in 2007. This research uses a qualitative approach. Method of data collection is conducted through in-depth interviews, field observations, and documentation study. Then, the collected data is used to perform triangulation process, verification, and interpretation with the elaboration of relevant theories. The results show that five aspects of the development of community-based tourism in Pangandaran through Enabling, Empowering, Protecting, Supporting, and Fostering are not optimal in the aspect of Fostering. This is due to the absence of a strong commitment to community development and intrinsic functions that should be implementing in an integrated manner, remains partial. In this research, it is found out that the empowerment and self-reliance are also determining by the controlling process to maintain the sustainability of empowerment and self-reliance of the community in the future. The result of this research is that development of community-based tourism in Pangandaran should use one more aspect, controlling to make sure the process is continuous.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Cecep Ucu Rakhman, Dadang Suganda, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Sapta Nirwandar

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International Journal of Culture and History  ISSN 2332-5518  Email:

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