Drinking Water Supply to the Communes of the Couffo Department: Analysis of the Implementation of Programming
To understand deeply the factors that explain the non-compliance with communal drinking water supply plans in the Couffo department in this paper, first we have just determined the level of drinking water service that each structureLFB and WHF9 provides to the population. Then the levels of access to drinking water in the localities were also determined. Finally, a diagnosis was made of the system set up in the Couffo department to monitor the implementation of municipal programming. This paper concludes that the actual construction of the works is also independent of the low access to drinking water services in the beneficiary localities at the 5% threshold. However, there is a 43.5% chance that the actual completion of the works depends on poor access to drinking water in the localities. In addition, it appears that the absence of an effective system for monitoring-evaluation of the implementation of communal planning not only favours the execution of unscheduled works but also the non-compliance with the order of priorities in localities to be equipped with WHF.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijgs.v3i1.15409
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