An Analysis of Implementing Total Quality Management in Education: Succes and Challenging Factors
Quality of education nowadays isthe main concern for those who are involved and plunge into education. In recent years, TQM has been applied in the world of education to improve the quality of education since it is believed as an effective management philosophy for dynamic improvement, customer satisfaction, and organizational excellence. However, this notion has begun to be developed in the manufacturing sector. Therefore, this study used a qualitative approach through extensive literature to provide a better comprehension in implementing TQM in education. This research is expected to conclude the crucial factors supporting the successful implementation of TQM in education to reach the advantage of its application maximally. This paper also discussed the challenges faced in implementing TQM in education so that schools can take appropriate steps when actively implementing TQM in education. Besides, we explained about the implementation of TQM in Indonesia, particularly in vocational schools.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Arie Wibowo Khurniawan, Illah Sailah, Pudji Muljono, Bambang Indriyanto, M. Syamsul Maarif

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