Law, Ethics and Tech Aspects for an Irrevocable BlockChain Based Curriculum Vitae Created by Big Data Analytics Fed by Internet of Things, Sensors and Approved Data Sources
Our general idea is to adopt Blockchain Ledger Technology for volunteered recording of business skills to formulate an irrevocable irresistible Curriculum Vitae to be processed by Recruiting agencies. The desperate well-educated jobless people of our times rely on recruiting agencies to analyze their qualification and find them a descent work. The general process starts with personal data feed automatically from sensors to an irrevocable BlockChain. At the final stage recruiting companies read these data, they process and offer a better job. A modified Time-Series is used to store work history and skills as the most important part of a Curriculum-Vitae. Every moment of our work life is recorded accordingly. These data are collected from various IoT sources like; Internet of things, Word, Excel computer file headers, URL fingerprints, Data Centers & Banks Big Data. It looks like self-slavery although according to GDPR the necessary consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous. In order to obtain freely given consent, it must be given on a voluntary basis. We attempted a primitive social research. In our University young people, they prefer to follow the blockchain recruiting route at a rate of 96% while in a local prefecture only 1% endorses the technology for unemployment.
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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 Email:
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