Assessment of Innovation and Its Impacts on the Organisation in a Public Sector Organisation

Ishmael Ramorula, JE Agolla


The paper presents an attempt to provide an assessment of innovativeness of the Botswana public sector and how its impacts on the overall business performance. To accomplish the study aims, a survey of a selected public sector organisation was carried out to gather information on the innovativeness and the impacts thereof on the overall performance of the sector. The hypotheses were tested using multivariate statistics. The study reveals that product and customer satisfaction are good predictors of innovativeness of organisation and have impact on the overall business performance. The other remaining variables did not indicate significance on the innovativeness and impacts on the selected public organisation’s overall business performance. The present study’s limitation is the focus on one public sector organisation. However, the study provides an insight into the innovativeness of Botswana’s public sector and the impacts on the selected public sector’s overall business performance. In addition, the study offers some recommendation on how the organisation can make use of the remaining variables to enhance its innovativeness. The study offers prima facie case of public sector innovativeness from a developing country, where little is known about innovation capabilities of the sector. Furthermore, the paper provides a more generalised, products and customer satisfaction as predictors of organisation innovativeness.

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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems  ISSN 1943-1384  Email:

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