Seeking Happiness through Materialism, Gratitude and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Pakistani Employees, with the Mediatory Role of Feeling Experiences

Misbah -, Danish Ahmed Siddiqui


This research paper proposed a theoretical framework that focused on the link between materialism and dissatisfaction with life. Through modifying J. A. Roberts (2015) model, we proposed that Seeking Happiness through Materialism is associated with positive or negative feeling experiences, and these experiences produce an effect on one’s life satisfaction. Furthermore, we also explored bi-directional impact of gratitude and materialism in two models. In first model, the effect of materialism and life satisfaction was explored with the mediating role of gratitude and feeling experiences, whereas, in second model, the impact of gratitude on life satisfaction was analyzed with the mediation of materialism and experiences. The link was empirically established by collecting the data on 205 employees working in different sectors and professions in Pakistan. Data was collected by means of close ended questionnaire and was analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structure Equation Modeling. The results showed a significant effect of materialism in employee’s life satisfaction and gratitude plays a mediating role. The negative relationship between materialism and life satisfaction among employees indicated as materialism increased satisfaction with life decrease. This was experience directly and through the mediation of feeling experiences. Moreover, Materialism negatively affected gratitude. In the second model, Employees having either high gratitude shows less materialism and positive feeling effect, whereas, employees having low gratitude shows high negative feeling effect because they are seeking happiness through material things. Additionally, those employees who are able to appreciate what they have, are happier and enjoying their life. Thus, feelings, gratitude, and materialism are crucial factors influencing employee’s life satisfaction either positively or negatively.

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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems  ISSN 1943-1384  Email:

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