IKTINOS a New Freight and Construction Standard to Evolve Concrete Beton Preparation from a Chaotic Contractor Site to a Container Box Mover International Industry

Nikoltetta Pegiou, Athanasios Zisopoulos, Konstantinos Spinthiropoulos, Vasilios Kanavas


A local West Macedonia company sells a transportable beton concrete unit with a capacity of 60 tn every hour. The next step of this machine is to be fed with cement, aggregates, water and chemicals from standard containers. Our research focus on how to connect the various containers, topology layout, type of bus and cleaning. The results did not encourage us to continue our research temporary due to inability to attract research and development funds. We currently will be satisfied to sell a hand-full of “assembly line” contracts instead of a beton unit.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijmis.v5i1.16394

International Journal of Management Innovation Systems  ISSN 1943-1384  Email: ijmis@macrothink.org

Copyright © Macrothink Institute 


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