Understanding the Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional satisfaction on Customer Loyalty
Loyal customers are among the greatest revenue producer and are more likely to occur in a form of word-of-mouth. In the compound and vibrant Malaysian home computer retail market today, customer loyalty through word-of-mouth marketing tends to occur very slowly and is limited geographically but is a very potent method of marketing.The influence of cognitive and emotional satisfaction on the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and customer’s loyalty through intention to promote by word-of-mouth is vital. This will then lead to increased benefits for the organization in the form of customer loyalty. The cognitive evaluation of customer satisfaction was found to explain customer loyalty in a retail setting more than the emotional reaction. This finding holds importance to those retailers who have been able to generate high expectations in the eyes of their customers.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijmis.v1i2.240
International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 Email: ijmis@macrothink.org
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