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Permana, Yudi
Saeed Mian, Tariq, Department of IS, College of Computer Science and Engineering Taibah University, Madinah Almunwarah, Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed
song, liang, Rensseaer Polytechnic Institute (United States)
Spinthiropoulos, Konstantinos
Sukumar, Arun Chennakrishnan, Researcher, Glasgow Caledonain University (United Kingdom)
Uwakonye, Matthew
Zhang, Xinjie, Jiangsu University (China)
Zhang, Yinan (China)
Zisopoulos, Athanasios, University West Macedonia (Greece)
Zisopoulos, Athanasios, University of Sofia Saint Kliment Ochridsky (Greece)
Zulfikar, Rizka
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International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384
Email: ijmis@macrothink.org
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