A Bibliometric Analysis of Equity Financing in Small and Medium Sized Enterprise: Trends, Patterns, and Future Directions

Irena Paramita Pramono, Mohamad Hanif Abu Hassan, Farah Aida Ahmad Nadzri


Using bibliometric analysis, the purpose of this study is to conduct a review of previous scholarly work in business economics pertaining to entrepreneurial equity financing that has been completed throughout the past three decades (1987–2023). To accomplish this, 133 documents related to this subject were taken from the Scopus database and arranged in accordance with the following criteria: the number of publications per year, the articles with the most citations, the authors with the most renown, the journals with the highest citation rate per article, and the countries with the highest overall productivity. In addition, our research provides clusters determined by the co-occurrence analysis of keywords to determine the primary topics that were looked into. Our findings can be used to understand entrepreneurial equity finance better and pinpoint potentially fruitful study areas for further investigation in the near and distant future.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijssr.v12i2.21565


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