International Journal of Social Science Research (Online ISSN: 2327-5510) is an international, double blind peer-reviewed, open-access academic research journal, published semiannually by Macrothink Institute.
The mission of the journal is to provide an academic forum for discussing the issues of significant public interest across the world.
The journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, commentaries, opinion pieces, case studies, case reports, etc. Contributions are welcome from all fields of social sciences. The typical topics include, but are not limited to the following fields:
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- Economics
- Education
- Criminology
- Linguistics
- Law
- History
- Communication Studies
- Political Science
- Human Geography
- Psychology
Each paper published in International Journal of Social Science Research is assigned a DOI®number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper. Click HERE to know what is DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? Click HERE to retrieve Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters.
Peer Review Policy
Once International Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR) receives an article, the author will be notified by e-mail that the submission has been received. An initial evaluation will be carried out to determine if the submission meets IJSSR standards and if it is within the scope of the journal.
If the paper passes the initial evaluation, the peer review process will be handled. The paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two potential reviewers who are experts in the same field. Reviewers are asked to complete the process within two weeks.
The contributions submitted to IJSSR will be reviewed based on the following general criteria:
- Contribution to existing knowledge
- Organization and Readability
- Soundness of methodology
- Evidence supports conclusion
- Adequacy of literature review
When the reviews and recommendation have been received, the editor makes one of the following decisions: Accept Submission; Revisions Required; Resubmit for Review; Decline Submission.
Paper Selection and Publication Process
- On receiving the paper, the system will send an acknowledgement to the corresponding author immediately.
- The process of peer review may take 4-10 weeks.
- We will send an acceptance E-mail to the corresponding author, indicating acceptance or not, as well as the date of publication. The authors should decide whether or not to accept our arrangements for publishing.
- Authors need to re-edit the paper, using the template. The re-edited paper should use the template provided by us and pay Article Processing Charge (Formatting and Hosting) (100USD).
- After publishing, the authors may download the e-journal from the website.
: International Journal of Social Science Research Has Been Indexed in ERA |
International Journal of Social Science Research has been indexed in ERA, Excellence in Research for Australia, Australia’s national research evaluation framework. ERA identifies and promotes excellence across the full spectrum of research activity in Australia’s higher education institutions. | |
Posted: 2020-09-01 | |
: Recruitment for Reviewers |
Status: Part time Requirements a). have a doctoral degree in the specific subject related closely to the journal; How to apply 1. Find details and download application form at: http://www.macrothink.org/recruitment.htm |
Posted: 2020-03-20 | |
: IJSSR has been indexed in RePEc |
We are pleased to announced that the journal has been indexed in RePEc at http://ideas.repec.org/s/mth/ijssr8.html RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 82 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. You can find more details at http://repec.org/ |
Posted: 2014-05-31 | More... |
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